
After 40 years of existence in five different corporate cultures, each having it’s own structure and resources the only way to survive was to adapt my skills and learning to each different set of cultures, Structures and resources. The technical and market characteristics in each industry markedly differed therefore adaptation of a given skill set was needed in each of these situations In order to survive.During the course of this career an array of experiences, problems, obstacles, and opportunities presented themselves and required careful navigation of the corporate waves that challenged me along the path to success. At 19 years old I encountered my first experience in the world of corporate existence. More of this will be covered in the chapters which follow. Each chapter is an individual experience which instructed on how to act, behave and respond to unique circumstances and challenges, and opportunities in the corporate environment. I learned that challenges can result in failure regardless of how hard you attempt to correct the situation, and I also learned lessons in which significant success was achieved and ultimately lifted me to career  heights that were well worth the effort to learn. My corporate career my journey started out as a mail boy at the age of 19 in an aerospace corporation and ended up in an executive position reporting directly to the president of a major environmental company in the engineering and construction management industry. By most measures it was a successful career in which the lessons I learned were invaluable and many are captured and elucidated on in this book. I hope that this book will be a significant contribution to those people who take the time to read it and gain success from the lessons I have learned.

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